4th Dimension Sobriety provides a carefully tailored, structured and effective environment to overcome substance use and addiction. Located on Milwaukee’s Eastside and Riverwest areas, we are Wisconsin’s largest provider of sober living space. Our holistic approach offers a full range of services from clinical treatment and programming to transitional and sober living housing.
At 4th Dimension, our structured sober living program provides a safe, structured and supportive environment for those seeking freedom from alcohol and drugs. Our goal is to:
Whatever structured program you choose on the path to recovery, our sober living center provides a safe, structured and supportive environment. Aside from food, clothing and hygiene supplies, everything is included at our recovery center.
At 4th Dimension, our goal is to encourage personal development and motivation for our clients. Our sober living center provides a structured environment including:
We work to get clients into our
center within 24 hours.
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, 4th Dimension Sobriety receives funding from the Department of Health & Human Services. After an allotted amount of time determined by the Behavioral Health Division, residents begin to pay rent with a variety of payment options.
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